Saturday, April 26, 2008

Living with OJD: Updates/random..

Hi. So this is gonna be a quick one probably, I'm really tired. It's only like nine, but I got up super early so yeah. And I have to get up super early tomorrow morning too. Okay, just one thing to talk about today, and that is calling people. I am seriously afraid to call people. It's like an irrational fear, I know. But whenever I'm supposed to call someone I freak out. I guess it's because I think somebody I don't know is gonna pick up or I'm gonna have to wrong number or something. I have no idea, and it's totally random, but yeah. So I was just wondering if anyone else feels this way. And, I have two shoutouts to do (this is pretty cool, two people who I guess read these emailed me and asked for a shoutout, so if you're someone who reads this, comment me or email me: The first is for Kenzie, and the other is for Michael. Hi you two!! Thanks so much for reading these, I know they're stupid, but still, it means a lot. Bye!

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